Our Amazing Services
As a very natural part of aging, hearing loss can go unnoticed. The fact is, without treatment, your hearing loss can get worse. Your ears and brain need sound to continue to remain engaged and interested. I’ve read numerous studies and experienced it with patients myself, over time hearing loss impairs the ability to process sound and recognize what people are saying. Even if you can hear the sounds, it may become that you can’t recognize the words, or those simple words become jumbled and confusing. The earlier you treat your hearing loss, the more hearing you’ll be able to preserve.
Don’t wait to get the help you need! Put your trust in me and my staff with a simple hearing test. It’s quick taking less than an hour, is totally painless, and in most cases confirms what you already know. It’s this confirmation and knowing there’s someone you can trust that brings relief.

Complete hearing consultations, evaluations, comprehensive audiometric testing, and hearing aid consultations.

Offering an entire line of hearing devices, specializing in invisible, rechargeable, and wireless hearing aids connecting to your smartphone, mobile devices, and tablets.

Rehabilitation and counseling services for hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural care.

Hearing aid repair services

Hearing aid accessories, including premium hearing aid batteries.

Custom-made hearing protection, swimmers plugs, and shooters plugs.

Custom-made earmolds for hearing aids, MP3s, and earbuds.

Cerumen management (earwax removal)