Our Care

Hearing Consultation
Your hearing consultation will include a short Q&A about your lifestyle, activities, and how you interact with others. We will also discuss your hearing and medical history.

Hearing Aid Consultation
Whether you were just diagnosed with hearing loss, or you’re currently wearing hearing aids, we offer no obligation hearing aid trials for all. It’s a great opportunity for anyone to hear the difference the latest technology can make.

Hearing Aid Repair
If you are experiencing feedback, an uncomfortable fit, or you can see signs of damage to your hearing aids, we can help. We offer in-office repairs for those simple fixes, or we will send more severely damaged hearing aids to the manufacturer for repair.

Clean & Check
Your ears are constantly producing ear-wax and moisture. Along with the complexity of the components in your hearing aids, a thorough cleaning is essential for proper performance and the longevity of your devices. We invite anyone with hearing aids to regularly schedule a “clean and check” appointment.

Tinnitus can cause a persistent ringing, rushing or buzzing in the ears. If you are experiencing tinnitus, we encourage you to schedule an appointment so we can determine the most likely causes and best treatment for your tinnitus.
Meet The Team

Allen Craig, Au.D.,
CCC-A, FAAA, Board Certified Audiologist
Doctor of Audiology

Sophie Howse
Audiology Technician

Angela Stroud
Patient Care Coordinator

Tinker, C.A.T.
Office Manager